Why the Property Evaluation Needed
Reasons Why You Need to Apply For a Property Evaluation
You might wonder why you require property evaluation and how much useful will be for the purpose where is needed. Well, the property evaluation has always a high level of significance regardless the reason where is requested for.
Moreover, the purpose varies according to the client’s instructions and needs. It may be instructed for:
Informational Purposes – Buying / Selling / Renting / Equal Separation of Ownership Shares
Bank Purposes – Mortgage Application / Loan Arrangement
Tax Calculation Purposes – Probate Purposes / Value of the Company Assets / Immovable Property Tax Objection
Court Case - Separation of Assets / Probate Purposes / Fair Rent Review / Compensations
Government Procedures - Land Compensation / Land Expropriation / Property Leasing Value
Investment Purposes – Property Investment Yield / Return on Investment / Estimation of the Risk
Insurance Purposes – Estimation of the Property Insurance cost.
In simple terms, property evaluation is the estimation f of your properties worth which can be buildings, land or any other type of immovable property. You may realize that the term evaluation sounds so easy and simple such that you may think you are able to evaluate on your own
But the fact is evaluation is not an easy task and needs to be done by Dempro Real Estate Team - Property Valuer Professionals if you want to have an accurate and successful evaluation of your property worth. An experienced property valuer will manage to define the market value of your property and clarify its best use / exploitation.
When you are selling or buying a property, we are strictly suggesting to apply for a comprehensive survey - report / property evaluation where will help you to understand better the property potential and to take the right decision by saving thousands. Also, an official property evaluation will help both sides to negotiate efficiently without wasting time.
Please contact our team to discuss the aspects of your property evaluation.